Play dough has many benefits. Starting from small motor skill development when just having it shop bought and ready for various creative play to one that is home made and will contribute to supporting wider range of skillset such as social awareness, maths skills, artistic expression, emotional regulation and so much more.

Here at RÚME we believe that things that can be simple should not be made complicated.

So without further due we offer a simple playdough recipe (tested by us and many of our friends for at least 10 years now). 

You will need: 

flour (any white plain flour) - about 3 cups

water and oil (any vegetable oil will do)  - each approx. 1/2 cup

salt (regular table salt) -3-5 table spoons

And if You wish to make it colourful - some food colouring - as much as You love to reach the best shade

If You desire so, add some essential (food grade) oils. We love lavender, lemongrass and cedarwood. Be aware of potential allergies - do Your research. So far all of the ingredients are edible. But we love to add some glitter, buttons, sticks, rocks and flowers (and so much more!!) when we play so then it becomes not so consumable. If You don't add oil but add more salt, You can bake thin ornaments made out the playdough. The possibilities are endless <3

We start by mixing water, oil, salt and essential oils and colours, then gradually adding the flour until the desired consistence has been reached. If it gets sticky, add a bit more oil. Because we add salt, it is good to be played with for about a week if left in an airtight container in a fridge when not played with. 

Have fun! 

Much Love.

In Peace, team RÚME